In a follow-up study overweight and obese patients fasting according to Buchinger (modified) and a control group treated by a\nweight reduction diet in the context of an inpatient naturopathic complex treatmentwere compared using a questionnaire developed\nfor a standardized phone interview 6.8 �± 1.1 years after inpatient treatment. During the inpatient treatment the fasting patients\nsignificantly more body weight, but at the time of the interview significantly more weight was gained again. 10.7% of the fasting\npatients and 31.9% of the control group lowered their weight at least 5% of their initial weight up to the interview. 42% of the\nfasting and 74% of the control group persistently changed their diet. The control group followed a significantly higher number of\ntrained nutritional aspects. 21% of the fasting and 40% of the control group increased their leisure activity permanently. Continued\nimprovement in quality of life was achieved by 16% of the fasting patients and 28% of the control group.The fasting therapy, carried\nout as part of the inpatient naturopathic complex treatment, turned out to be less suitable for the treatment of overweight and\nobesity compared to standard therapy. One likely determinant is the minor poststationary lifestyle modification.